Supersites and Natural Laboratories
GEO Supersites Initiative

The GHCP is supporting the GEO Supersite Initiative, which aims to develop a small set of key sites where significant population is at risk from major geohazards. At these sites, free exchange of all relevant data facilitated by GEO is supporting research to better characterize the risks, understand the link between hazards and disasters, and improve readiness in all four phases of the risk management cycle.

Supersites and natural laboratories focus on areas with major threats from geohazards such as volcanos, landslides, earthquakes and tsunamis. Also included are coastal areas where subsidence is contributing to local sea level rise and threatening large populations.

More information will be added in the near future

Natural Laboratories

Particularly the sites denoted as natural laboratories should also allow for end-to-end (E2E) projects that demonstrate how disaster risk reduction and increasing resilience can be supported by GEOSS (assuming that GEOSS integrates environmental and socio-economic data with models to meet the information needs of decision makers, including risk managers).

More information will be added in the near future.

Last edited 02 December 2016
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